Marfa, Texas
January 2, 2020
Lord knows I may have seen this deer crossing sign my entire life but, I swear, it looks like a reindeer crossing to me.
I started my walkabout to find answers to questions that bother me so. I've begun to find some answers but like all good answers, they spur more questions. One thing I did not expect to do is take so many photographs. I apologize if I am turning you off to all the slideshows. I started this blog thinking that I would limit myself to 10 photos from my time in Big Bend Ranch State Park - once I hit 70, I was in slideshow territory.
Everywhere you look in this state park is stunning. If it helps, I chose these 77 photos from over 700 photos that I have from the park.
The river you'll see is the Rio Grande. I think I've said it before, it is eerie to be so close to the Mexican border. I have seen my share of Border Patrol officers and have been through three checkpoints. It is somewhat overwhelming to think that people cross the border and try to cross the desert and mountains of southern Texas.
I think I am all caught up now on my blog posts. Sorry for the flurry today. I have spent most of the day in the Marfa library. Ended up talking to a fellow who move here from NYC who is thinking of moving to Paris, Kentucky.
Today's weather in Marfa has gone from beautiful sun, to cloudy, to rain, to wind and now they are calling for some snow.