Kanab, Utah
November 10, 2020
Coral Pink Sand State Park is located 19 miles northwest of Kanab. Smallish park, but it does have a number of camping options. To get to there you drive through a good bit of BLM land where there appeared to be quite a bit of dispersed camping options. Given the low tonight is forecast to be 12 degrees, I opted for my cheap hotel ($60) in town.
I have been to Bermuda and seen pink sand (which comes from crushed coral). The sand at the state park I found not to be pink as much as it was orange. Obviously I was fine with that. 🤪
The dunes were not as impressive as those at Great Sand Dunes National Park, but I thought the sand here was prettier.
Enjoy the photos - I took a few. 🤪. The white “stuff” is snow.