Mecca Beach, California
February 9, 2021
Beautiful sunrise this morning.

I headed north from my campsite to tour the western shore of the Salton Sea.

A yacht club on the Salton Sea. Right.

Funny thing about Mecca, California. Almost everyone I saw there was Latino.

Dates are a big deal out here.

Sonny Bono. Really? Cher was born in nearby El Centro.

I knew the day would be mostly cloudy. Initially I thought I would do my western shore tour on a sunny day to get better photos. But I decided the cloudy day was appropriate for my subject matter.

I wonder if the realtors selling this land have questions about their morals.

All that remains in many parts of Salton City are the electric poles and wires. Eerie.

This sign summed up how many people must have felt about the decline of Salton City.

How inviting!

Notice the 1980s vintage satellite dishes. Otherwise known as the West Virginia state flower.

Look how far the water has receded.

Most homes here were of the “mobile” variety.
