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A Conversation Between A Republican And A Democrat

Quartzsite, Arizona

February 7, 2021

I learned a heck of a lot from this conversation between a classic liberal and a classic conservative. Both are looking for a return to more traditional politics. But perhaps that is not possible?

The description of the podcast:

I don’t think conservatism can do its job in a free society in opposition to the institutions of that society,” Yuval Levin told me. “I think it can only function in defense of them.”

Levin is the director of social, cultural and constitutional studies at the American Enterprise Institute, as well as the author of a number of great books, most recently, “A Time to Build.” I wanted to talk to him about a very specific question, though: What will the Republican Party become? Levin is one of its most thoughtful and sober analysts — a temperament that may, I realize, make him unsuited to interpreting its current incarnation, in which a majority of House Republicans voted to reject the results of the 2020 presidential election and one of them is, well, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

But Levin’s diagnosis is interesting. Histories of the modern Republican Party often place Ronald Reagan at their center. That is, in Levin’s view, a mistake. “I think Reagan is better understood as a detour from a history that is otherwise a story of a constant struggle between populism and conservatism,” he said. Donald Trump was an inheritor of a tradition that stretches long before him — Pat Buchanan’s tradition, and Strom Thurmond’s tradition. He didn’t form a new Republican Party; he allowed a long-existing part to express itself.

Behind that lie institutional changes both in the Republican Party and in the broader structure of American politics. That’s why I wanted to talk to Levin for this episode of “The Ezra Klein Show”: He, like me, thinks in terms of institutions. “The question for us in the coming years is whether we can move a little more in the direction of a politics of ‘what does government do,’ and less of a politics of ‘who rules,’” he says.

That’s exactly the right question, in my view. But we have very different views of what kinds of institutional changes would get us there. I’d like to see a more democratized, majoritarian system. Levin would, among other things, add a filibuster to the House.

So this is more than just a conversation about how to fix the Republican Party. It’s a conversation about how to fix American politics — how to recenter it on policy that changes people’s lives, rather than symbolic clashes that merely harden our hearts.


“Big Tech, Big Government: The Challenges of Regulating Internet Platforms,” National Affairs, Winter 2021

The Working Class Republican: Ronald Reagan and the Return of Blue-Collar Conservatism by Henry Olsen

"Democrats, Here’s How to Lose in 2022. And Deserve It." by Ezra Klein

Recommendations (tune in to find out why) :

Groundhog Day (movie)

On Empire, Liberty, and Reform: Speeches and Letters by Edmund Burke

Reflections On The Revolution In France by Edmund Burke

The American Crisis by Thomas Paine

The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine

Conservatism: An Invitation to the Great Tradition by Roger Scruton

Freedom From the Market: America’s Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand by Mike Konczal

Social Democratic Capitalism by Lane Kenworthy

The Upswing by Robert Putnam with Shaylyn Romney Garrett

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An Economic Myth He raises...

Feb 09, 2021

I think you might find the podcast itself to be more balanced than you think regarding the criticisms of each party. But I do have the luxury of time in the evenings. And I will spot you that Levin is an establishment conservative.


Feb 09, 2021

I probably should not comment on this, since I don't have the nearly hour and a half to listen to it, but I do have several quick comments from the topic and how it is presented and summarized.

First, establishment people always ask what has happened to the Republican Party, and never what has happened to the Democrat Party. The Republican Party has been roughly the same for 80 years -- a collection of people who debate among themselves conservative issues, but actually generally/usually devolve into whether they are establishment people or average people. Reagan was able ti unify almost all from both wings, and Trump unified the "regular Republicans and many of the conservative movers-and-shakers . . . …

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