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[T]his lesson reaches beyond the classroom. Diversity brings tolerance. The more you understand what other people think and realize that what they say is important -- who they are, what's their story, what's their background -- is the more you know that the more you see the power of diversity. And then be kind and and be understanding and don't make judgments because you haven't lived their story they have.

This video caught my eye because it involved Beaufort. I'm glad I watched it. The interviewer pressed the moms pretty hard but I thought rightfully so (understand you might disagree with my take). I thought the community response was awesome. Instead of just bitching, they came together and worked together. Beautiful.

It's hard as hell to be a parent, especially with social media. I remember struggling terribly with giving Courtney and Lucian access to the internet through our AOL dial up connection. I know they saw things I wish they had not. If I could go back, I would have done a better job of talking with them about my concerns and been more inviting to them to talk with me about anything they saw that bothered or concerned them

Like any profession, teachers cover a spectrum of quality. For the most part, I think Courtney had really good teachers and Lucian had more so so teachers. Does the union protect bad teachers? Probably so. Do we have a system that encourages great educators to become teachers? No way. I worry much less about indoctrination than I do about teachers who can teach and motivate.

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Mar 08

I was trying to think back and remember where there teachers during HS or college i believe motivated me? Most of my teachers were brothers in HS. They tended to be more along the line of drill sergeants, learned lots of lessons but rarely motivated beyond that. I could only think of one - our German teacher Brother Glebas. Fast forward to tool school. While i can appreciate many of the classes we had to take had rather dry subject matter, can't think of one that generated enthusiasm about the subject. A couple of professors outside the tool school made class somewhat interesting and motivational - Jim Kinnard (?) for history of the U, a class Noona go…

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The only teacher/professor is Jim Kelly in the Tool School. Had him for thermo and a couple of nuke classes. He was my thesis advisor. He was a really good person who seemed to take a real interest in each student. He didn’t make it about how smart he was; in an easy going way he knew what was hard and took his time to make sure we understood the subject.

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