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If You Have Standards, Lower Them

Salt River Fields at Talking Stick

Scottsdale, Arizona

February 25, 2020

I just spent a month at Leslie and Jeff’s home in Charlottesville that has one of the most beautifully landscaped gardens that you will ever see. While most people spend their weekends doing activities they don’t do all week, Leslie spends her weekends in her garden. And I mean eight hours a day with her LlL Bean model smile on her face. (Inside joke - Leslie looks like on of the LL Bean models.). And their yard shows the results of that dedication.

I guess landscaping in Arizona is a bit different than in Virginia. The sign in the above photo prompted one question for me - how is anyone going to notice that you were in the landscaping? If that is the standard for landscaping out here, even I could be a landscaper. 🤪

(Note to self - I need to find another emoji to express my sarcasm. 🤪)

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