This article appeared on the Lonely Planet website today. It made me "roadsick" (kind of like homesick but .... well, you understand). I spent yesterday reorganizing my "stuff" - my goal is to hit the road again with a slimmed-down load. I have roughly 40 days left until I get out there again - I hope. I realize it will be a different experience than what I have had so far. I had grown accustomed to finding local libraries to read about the area I was visiting and to catch up on my computer work. When I couldn't find a library, I was a big fan of the free Wifi at McDonalds. I also had enjoyed eating at local mom and pop restaurants - as William Least Moon describes in Blue Highways, there is not place like the local places to get the pulse of a community. (Somehow, carryout is not the same.) In some towns I visited the McDonalds serves that purpose as it has crowded out the local restaurants. I'd sit there eating my oatmeal and egg white (I suspect I won't be able to get those anymore as I read yesterday that for the foreseeable future, McDonalds plans to keep its scaled-down menu) eavesdropping on a group of local men talking politics and local sports. What I miss the most though are the sites -- and the challenge of getting good photos of them.
I hope you enjoy this article.