March 13, 2023
After six months on the road, I have spent the past couple of days unpacking and sorting. Which means it was time to go to the Container Store in Short Pump to get plastic bins to help me organize!
Buddy saw the sign for Manakin and demanded that we go there and take a photo. Seems that Buddy is tired of his two-dimensional world.
While at the Container Store the owner of the Four Runner pictured above approached me about my stickers. Turns out he is about to start on a cross-country trip and plans to sleep in the back of his truck. I rambled on for too long about blue highways, Walmarts and truck stops, Colorado, Utah and Oregon. But I think he appreciated my perspective.
Drove back to Cville in a combination rain/snow mix. My South Carolina blood still thinks March is the beginning of spring; the snow was a reminder that is not the case in Virginia.
Welcome back to the eastern US.