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More About Green River

Green River, Utah

October 31, 2020

I admit I am a bit fascinated by this town. For being under 1,000 people and in the middle of nowhere, the town has a pulse. It might be a slow one but I feel a pride the citizens have. It is not apparent from the boated up buildings and hotels but when you talk to them. This place is so remote I only picked up two radio stations on FM.

Here’s another blurb I found about the town:

The city of Green River was once a stomping ground for Butch Cassidy and his Wild Bunch, and, as you might expect from the name, is a haven for river runners who raft places such as Desolation and Gray Canyons. The climate makes for perfect melon growing, and Green River boasts some of the best melon in the world. Green River is the West, pure and simple — wide open, untapped, solitary, and mystical. The population is around 1,000 people, but this isn’t your average small community.

Green River is home to the John Wesley Powell Museum where you can see the historic boats used by adventurers before the onset of rubber rafts, and the town is within easy driving distance of three national parks (Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef). Goblin Valley State Park and the San Rafael Swell are other can’t-miss natural marvels nearby.

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