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More About The History Of Paris, New York

History of the town of Paris, and the valley of the Sauquoit

pioneers and early settlers ... anecdotes and reminiscences, to which is added an account of the ceremonies attending the re-internment of Col. Isaac Paris

  • by Henry C. Rogers

  • printed by White & Floyed Printers, Utica,NY, 1881

  • Source Example:

<span id='Paris'></span>Rogers, Henry C. ''[[Space:History of the town of Paris, and the valley of the Sauquoit|History of the town of Paris, and the valley of the Sauquoit]]'' (White & Floyed Printers, Utica,NY, 1881)

  • Inline Citation Example:

<ref>[[#Paris|Paris]]: Page 51</ref>

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Table of Contents

Chapter I. Errors made by previous Historians corrected

Chapter II. The First Settler in the Sauquoit Valley. A Black Slave's Early Home

Chapter III. Southern Paris. The Great Water-shed of the State. A View of the Country. The Coal Fields. Disappearing Forests

Chapter IV. Town of Paris as first formed from Whitestown. Isaac Paris. The first Town-meeting. The present town of Paris. First Settlers. .

Chapter V. Town of Paris. Population and products. Votes for Governor. Members of Assembly from Paris. Supervisors of the town

Chapter VI. Paris Hill, (P. O. Paris.) The first settlement in the Town of Paris. Early History. Pioneers and First Settlers. Major Royce, Colonel Tuttle, Eli Moore, Henry Addington Darius Scovill, Salmon Hecox, Martin Porter, Simmons brothers, Stephen Barrett, Fobes and Jonathan Head, Henry McNeil, Samuel Stiles, Captain Uri Doolittle, Captain Seymour, Jesse Thomson, William Babbitt Doctors Hull, Sampson and Judd, Seih Smith, John Wicks and many others. A Bear Hunt. The great Wolf Hunt. Another wild animal killed on Beaver creek. St. Paul's Church (Episcopal) Organization and Early History of. Memorial Inscriptions, Obituaries from the Press. Paris Religious Society, (Congregational) Early History. Rev. Eliphalet Steele. Good Templars, Paris Lodge. Early Recollections of Paris Hill, by Hon. Lorenzo Rouse,

Chapter VII. Three young Paris Pioneers. Asa Shepard, John and Sylvester Butler, Lemuel Shepard, George Macomber and others. A Bear Hunt. The Butlers. Historical Tree. Present owners of Farms in the town.

Chapter VIII. Settling Sauquoit. Theodore Gilbert, the Valley Pioneer. The Gilberts and Marshes. Killing a Panther. Charcoal burning. A Wolf Hunt. The Cemetery

Chapter IX. Glen and Lake. Some of the Curious Formations in Oneida County. Cascades and Moss-covered Lakes. How Indians travel. How Deacon Simeon Coe built on the Hill-top. The old Indian Trail

Chapter X. Baxter Gage. The champion Chopper of the Sauquoit Valley. A Reminiscence of a Sturdy Pioneer

Chapter XI. Captain Abner Bacon and Hon. David Ostrom. Revolutionary Soldiers and Pioneers of West Sauquoit. Bacon Genealogy

Chapter XII. Lieutenant Spencer Briggs. One of the Pioneers of East Sauquoit living in the Valley when it was a dense Wilderness. Desperate encounters with Bears and Panthers

Chapter XIII. Sauquoit the second Settlement in the town of Paris. Early History.Anecdotes, &c. The First Store in Sauquoit. Distilleries. Old-time Merchants, Landlords, Manufacturers, Physicians and Schoolmasters

Chapter XIV. Moses Campbell and other Pioneers. Elkanah Hewitt, Howe Nichols, Jonathan King, Dr. Isaac Farwell, Daniel Cloyce, John Birdseye, David Dunham. Anecdotes of Early Settlers. Camp Parmelee. Ensign Josiah Hull. Hobart Graves. Morris Maltby. Elisha Wetmore, a Pioneer of the Dry Lots. Hiram Gilbert and brothers.

Chapter XV. History of the Methodist Church at East Sauquoit. Deed of the ground by Lieutenant Spencer Briggs. Laying of the corner stone by Father Kirtland Griffin, List of the old Members, Ministers and Presiding Elders. Biography of Elder Zachariah Paddock. D. D., and Obituaries of Rev. Isaac Foster and Samuel Wadsworth

Chapter XVI. An interesting Educational Reminiscence. The Old Methodist Church. Detailed account of the Founding of the Sauquoit Academy thirty- four years ago, and its History down to the present time

Chapter XVII. History of the Presbyterian Church of West Sauquoit, by Rev. B. F. Willoughby, the present Pastor

Chapter XVIII. The Sauquoit Valley. Masonic. Early History of the Order in the Sauquoit Valley. An Interesting Masonic Reminiscence. Old Amicable Lodge; Federal Lodge ; Paris Lodge ; Sauquoit Lodge; Amicable Lodge. Lines by Rev. Mr. Magill,

Chapter XIX. Soldiers of the Revolutionary War, 1775-82. The Roll of Honor. Forty-two Revolutionary Soldiers from the town of Paris. Sergeant Richard Risley, Ephraim Warren, Captain John Mosher, David Bishop, Captain John Strong, James Barnett, Ephraim Walker. Anecdotes and Incidents. Elijah Davis, Captain Uri Doolittle, Squire Asahel Curtiss, Josiah Mosher, Kirtland Griffin, Benjamin Merrill, Deacon David Curtiss

Chapter XX. Veterans of the War of 1812. The Roll of Honor. Four Survivors. Dr. L. Bishop, John King, Captain Asahel Dexter, Prof. Charles Avery. Seventeen who have passed away. Muster Roll of Captain Zachariah P. Townsend's Company. Manner of Drafting

Chapter XXI. "Boys in Blue" in the Great Rebellion of 1861-65. The Roll of Honor.Record of Soldiers and Officers from town of Paris. Drafted men and their Substitutes. Foreign enlistments to the credit of the Town of Paris. Recapitulation. Saving the day at Gettysburg by the 140th (Monroe Co.) and the 146th (4th Oneida) Regiments. Sauquoit Boys to the Front. Magnificent record of the 117th (5th Oneida) Regiment. Distinction won by the Clayville Boys. General Hiram C. Rogers. A Sauquoit Boy's Record in the Great Rebellion

Chapter XXII. Old People of SauquoitChapter XXIII. Uncle Henry's Wagon Wheel

Chapter XXIV. Sauquoit Good Templars and Grange. Saghdaquada Lodge, No.269, I. O. of G. T. Charter Members. First Worthy Chiefs. Grange Society, No. 415. Charter Members and others

Chapter XXV. Holman City (Log City) The Third settlement in the Town of Paris. Pioneers and Early Settlers. Seth Leonard Cutler, Lenthiel Eells, David Holman, Horace Rice, Sampson Johnson, Tunis Le Roy, Inventor of the Power Drill. The Great Snow Storm. Tragedy near Babcock Hill

Chapter XXVI. Clayville (Paris Furnace) The Fourth Settlement in the Town of Paris.Pioneers and Early Settlers. Mr. Hill, Thomas Spofford, Judge Sweeting, Deacon Joseph Howard, Mr. Scollard. Raising the Tavern. 'Squire Albert Barnett. :Colonel Gardner Avery, a Pioneer of the Sauquoit Valley, at Clayville. David J. and Sterling A. Millard, manufacturers of scythes and agricultural implements. Frederick Hoilister. The present Empire Woolen Company. Henry Clay visits Clayville. The Religious Societies. St. John's Episcopal Church. Presbyterian Church. St. Patrick's (Catholic) Church. The Methodist Episcopal Church. Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 320. Other Secret Societies, Good Templars. Pettee Post. The Union School. Colonel Bentley. Josiah Booth. Samuel Dexter

Chapter XXVII. Cassville (Paris Hollow) The Fifth Settlement in the Town of Paris.Pioneers and Early Settlers. Amasa Burchard, Elias and Mark Hopkins, Eieazer Kellogg, Nathan Randall. Sion Rhodes, Monroe family, Budlong family, Sweet family, 'Squire Wm. Gallup, Hon. Justus Childs and others. The Stone Road. Josiah W. Bagg. George Smith. Religious Societies. History of the Baptist Church at Oassville, by Rev. Lansing Bailey, a former Pastor of that Church.

Chapter XXVIII. The Sauquoit Creek. Recapitulation of its Industries. Sketches of thePioneer Manufacturers. Tassel Hill. Dry Brook. Green's Saw Mill. The Cyclone. The Green family. Burdick's Mill. Jones' Saw Mill. Jennings' Grist Mill. S. A. Millard's Scythe Works and Hoe Shop. Upper Mills of the Empire Woolen Co. The Empire Mills. The Farmers' Factory. The Jenks family. Paper Mills. N. W. Moore. Frederic Savage. The Quaker Factory. The Foster family. The Franklin Factory. The Brovvnell family. David Seaton. Mould brothers' Grist Mill and Saw Mill. Messrs. L. R. Stelle & Sons' Sauquoit Silk Manufacturing Company. The Batting Factory. Asa Tucker. John Greenleaf. The Eagle Mills. John Chadwick. Daniel Blackman's Foundry. Rogers' Machine Shop.Oliver Rogers, Amos Rogers. Pringle's Saw Mill. Eastman's Wagon Shop. Woolen Factory. Hoe and Fork Works. Cotton Factory. McLean's Grist Mill. :Knitting Factory. Capron Factory. New York Mills. Wetmore's Grist Mill. Railroad Accident on the Sauquoit Creek

Chapter XXIX. The Town of Paris. Memorial Celebration at the Re-Interment of the Remains of Colonel Isaac Paris, Hon. Charles W. Hutchinson's Address. Hon. Lorenzo Rouse's Address. Address by Prof. Edward North. Hon. Theodore W. Dwight's Address. Remarks by Rev. Dr. Hartley. Remarks by Hon. W. J. Bacon. Irving Paris' Remarks at the Grave,

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