Payson, Arizona
February 6, 2021
Saturday -- Moving Day. The goal today was to visit the Mogollan Rim. I got to the right place -- almost -- but the road was closed due to snow. Snowed out in Arizona. Really.
Took photos of Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock before leaving Sedona.

View from Route 260 outside Camp Verde.

Yes, that is snow.

I revisited Strawberry as it was on the way.

Near the Mogollan Rim Visitors' Center.

That's part of the Rim. I'm facing south.

The road that takes you by the Rim. Route 300. Closed.

That's part of the Rim straight ahead.

Rim shots.


I broke my diet and tried out this place. Burgers and ice cream. I went for ice cream. ad call. It was tasty but I can't tolerate ice cream anymore. Ugh.

Another Rim shot.

I am back in Payson. I was going to camp in a Walmart parking lot but opted for a fee campground on National Forest land. My National Park pass got me a discount of $13.50. Which is. nice.
