Sedona, Arizona
January 30, 2021
As I have reflected on the themes that I can draw from my posts, one has hit me like the proverbial 2x4. That theme is “serious.”
Initially that surprised me, but then I realized it is not surprising at all - being serious has been my modus operandi for decades. I learned as a little kid that if people perceived me as serious, I could never get in as much trouble as the class clown because being serious meant I was trying hard. Serious got me good grades. Serious kept me out of trouble and got me pats on the head. I attributed my success in my career to my seriousness. Seriousness was always there for me. So I thought.
One of my more favorite expressions is “I have been acting like an arse for so long I’m beginning to look like one.” A corollary of that seems appropriate here - if you act serious for too long you are going to etch a serious expression on your face.
And that is what I see when I look in the mirror most of the time — a serious person. Not someone who’s been literally been given a second chance to live, who is basically been extra time to enJOY life. But when I search my soul, there is this person who loves to laugh, to have fun and TO NOT TAKE THINGS SO SERIOUSLY.
Time for me to go to Wally World!

"The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly."
The end of your post highlighted a serious distinction -- pursue your goals seriously, but don't do so with a serious countenance. Seriously is obviously an adverb and should apply to how one pursues his/her goals, loves, life. But, so so with a light heart, not a resting bitch face because you want people to see you as a serious person.....