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  • Writer's

Spunky At 80

Icelandic State Park

September 4, 2024

6 PM

I am in the visitor’s center parking lot using the center’s WiFi. There was an older (white hair) couple in the lot with their fifth wheel. The gentleman approached me about how to make a reservation (it’s after hours). He didn’t want to pay the $9 service fee to make a reservation (I agree with him although I paid it yesterday). Anyway, I suggested the campground is empty and he can pay in the visitor’s center in the morning.

Then his wife came over and we started talking. It came up that she is half Swede, half Norwegian — and you could tell. A very pretty lady. She told me that they are celebrating their 80th birthdays this weekend. Their kids asked if they wanted a party which they did but no one ever followed through. This couple got so aggravated that they loaded up their fifth wheel and took off across North Dakota driving backroads.

A very gentle, sincere couple who clearly enjoy each other. Very cool.

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