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The Miracle Of Mindfulness

Monterey, California

March 17, 2021

It looks like it is about to rain. It’s 52 degrees with a 10 mph wind, making it feel like 46 degrees - according to Accuweather. I’d say it’s closer to “cold.” I’m sitting here letting my mind run wild, and it’s beating me up pretty good. Probably not a great day to start watching “Nomadland“ throwing in a dose of “there is a fine line between adventure and living in a van.” I did laugh at one of the lines — “I’m not homeless - I’m houseless.” I will likely borrow that one.

So I called on my old friend “washing the dishes” to bring me into the moment. In “The Miracle of Mindfulness” (the source of quote “wash the dishes” — see an earlier post) the author describes how one time he was talking to his friend Jim. Jim was eating his slices of oranges mindlessly — I think the quote is “he would put another slice of orange in his mouth before finishing the first piece.” The point being when eating an orange, you should be aware of eating the orange.

So, I got artistic with my orange and put a reminder on it. I’ll try to remember to let you know if I eat the orange slices while “washing the dishes.”

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