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This Summer


May 16, 2021

Thanks to my friends Eva and Eddie, Wendy and I joined them to experience Kenny Chesney at Jiffy Lube Live in July 2016. He’s small in height but a huge performer. He had us standing, swaying and dancing for two hours.

But that’s not the objective of this post. What is are (?) my plans for the summer.

As Stephen Covey encouraged us to do, I’m beginning with the end in mind. I need to be back in Charlottesville at the end of August to prepare for Courtney and Julie’s wedding on October 2. I’ve already got my lodging arranged - staying at the farmhouse in Belmont behind the Local. Looking forward to that.

Between then and now I will be out west. Step 1 is to finish my trip up Route 1 along the Pacific Ocean. There is some golf to play along the way, including at Brandon Dunes. And redwoods and sequoias to see. And Paris, Oregon, the Columbia River, the Russian River, Hanford, Seattle…. I figure I’ll be to Seattle by July 1st? Then there’s Idaho, Montana and Wyoming in July and the first half of August. Too little time? I’ll allow 7-10 days to drive back east. That will be a teaser for when I come back west next year. Yes, the wanderabout will continue.

After Charlottesville, it’s to the northeast to see the leaves. Maybe get an Airbnb in Boston? That’s as far as I have dreamed.

Ill close out with fond memories of my six weeks back east. My friends in Charlottesville make it hard to leave. I am very lucky. As in very, very, very lucky. Seeing both my kids in the same week was extraordinary. In spite of me, they are wonderful people of really high character. I was never that together. Knowing them brings me an awful lot of joy.

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