Lincoln City, Oregon
July 11, 2021
I get it. Conservatives find CNN and MSNBC impossible to watch. I sometimes catch part of the Ingraham Angle on SiriusXM and I swear wi three minutes I am seething. And I’m just a middle of the road fiscally conservative, socially liberal person.
The blither blather of these talking heads is as useful as pop-up ads on social media sites. They make tens of millions of dollars for doing what? Nothing that makes us a better country or better people.
So, I propose we shutdown CNN, MSNBC and Fox News between 7-11 pm ET. ANd let’s toss in Fox and Friends — that show is just dumbing us down.
Of course, this won’t happen. But I wish it would.
Ingraham proves tgst just because you are a Wahoo….