September 22, 2021
I am treading close to territory I don’t want to tread upon. Holman Jenkins in today’s WSJ is suggesting the FBI be abolished. Wouldn’t that be a case of defunding the police?
I am confused by the country I live in now. Both political parties have put themselves ahead of America in my opinion. First you are a Democrat, then an American. It is a sad state and I fear it is not going to get better before it gets even worse. (Actually I fear it will never get better - we are electing people who further polarize us.)
For the record, I am for reform where necessary but not defunding law enforcement.
The good news is the Red Sox are 1.5 games ahead of the Yankees in the wild card race.
If you root for the Red Sox then you must be aware that the Boston office of the FBI was a tool of the Winter Hill gang. An FBI agent murdered civilians on Billy Bulgers orders. Add the wiretaps, the harassment of MLk, the blackmail of politicians for decades….
At one time the United States had a professional civil service which was not politicized. The civil service professionals working for the executive branch preoccupied themselves with executing laws passed by Congress and the policies of the administration in power. Sadly in recent decades the executive bureaucracy has become filled with political operatives who are not content to simply carry out the laws as written, and the policies of the administration in power. Instead they block initiatives they oppose, leak information to the press, and take no pride in being objective professional administrators. How do we return to the concept of professional law enforcement and a professional civil service?
As for the FBI, one thing I have learned over the…
It is not "defunding" the FBI, but reigning in a rogue federal agency that suborned purgery, purposefully pursued a dually elected President when it knew -- from the outset -- that the charges/accusation were trotally fabricated by his political opponent, and still has not fired and/or disciplined a single agent or administrator..... When the rule of law no longer means anything, no longer serves as a check on people's partisan berhavior, and no longer serves to punish perpitrators . . . it is time for drastic actions.