Purtis State Park
December 12, 2019
Today was a travel day. But before I left Ft. Worth, I figured I had to go see the stockyard and Billy Bob’s Place. I probably should have planned my wardrobe a bit better - there were real cowboys there and I’m walking around with my red Christmas shorts.
Purtis State Park is about three hours southEast of Ft Worth. It was an unremarkable drive until I came to a town named Gun Barrel.
The water tower took me by surprise.
Also on the drive, I found a closer option for Tom.
The sunlight down here around sunset is awesome.
As to whether I’m sleeping in the tent or truck tonight, here’s your answer. Personally, I don’t think I needed the visual of the hog to heed the warning.
But it does remind me of the story of a politician in Texas whose last name was Hogg. He named his daughters Ima and Ura.