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Pinehurst Trip Summary


June 22, 2022

It was almost 20 years ago that Lucian and I got our photo in the Augusta Chronicle on Wednesday of Masters week. We had won tickets for the Tuesday practice round and weren't going to miss it for anything -- such as a day of rain. We headed to the Target in Aiken on Monday and procured a pair of yellow rain pants and a yellow rain jacket. We headed to Augusta National on Tuesday morning ready for a downpour.

It rained off and on during the day. At some point during the afternoon we were walking outside the ropes down the left side of the 18th fairway when we were approached by a photographer from the Augusta Chronicle saying she had taken our photo and could she use it for an article to appear in the newspaper the next day. Sure we said.

Wednesday morning came and I raced up to the local convenience store to see if indeed our photo was in the paper. There on the front of the second section was our photo (in color) -- Lucian looking cute in his yellow outfit and me looking like I was outfitted by LL Bean with my duck boots, khakis and green Masters rain jacket. We were featured in an article about how people had dressed to combat the rain -- we were identified as the "classic dressers."

That experience came back to me on Sunday. Lucian and I had finished our round on Pinehurst #2 (he with a well played 83 and me with a "can't find the fairway" 92). At Lucian's suggestion, we were sitting on the veranda overlooking the 18th green of #2 -- Lucian with his "Bump and Run" and me with my Dark 'n Stormy. We were approached by a fellow wearing an Augusta National Golf Club cap with two Sony DSLR's over his shoulders. (There are certain things I am very observant about -- caps and cameras.). He said he was taking photos for the Pinehurst social media and asked if he could take our photo for Father's Day. Sure we said.

We ended up talking with him for probably 15-20 minutes. He had started his career at the Golf Channel before coming to Pinehurst. He'd been hired by Augusta National to shoot the Masters this year. He'd had access to where ever he wanted to go and said he shot "tens of thousands of photos." He had a funny story about being behind the 11th green. He looked to his side and saw one of his favorite European footballers. He was very excited by that -- and was surprised when the footballer asked him to take a photo of him and his young son. The player gave him his email address to send to photo which pleased our new friend to no end.

The Masters photo was a lifetime memory; getting onto the Pinehurst Instagram account was icing. Lucian noticed that Jay Bilas had commented on the post, so in the famous words of Carl Spackler:

I should note that in the photo we are advertising some good stuff -- I am wearing pink flamingo shorts from Castaway Clothing and a Shed hat from Sweetens Cove. Lucian is wearing a Team Titleist hat that I picked up when I toured Ball Plant #3.

The idea was Pinehurst for Father's Day was Lucian's. When we talked last Father's Day, I was at Bandon Dunes in Oregon and suggested a trip there for Father's Day. Lucian, being the reasonable young man he is, said Pinehurst would be closer. He was right and Pinehurst did not disappoint.

We arrived Friday and played 18 holes on #9 in 100 degree heat with a father and son from Charlotte. The course was nothing special (a Jack Nicklaus design) that could have been at any resort. It is the only course at the Pinehurst Resort that does not use Bermuda grass; it uses Bent. (When Pinehurst bought the course, Nichklaus included a clause that his name came off if they made any changes to the course.). Neither one of us played up to our potential -- but the course had something to do with that -- the greens had been punched and were furry. But a fun warm-up round.

Saturday we played #4 which we both enjoyed quite a bit. Fun mixture of long and short holes. We played with a couple of Marines who were in for the weekend from Camp Lejeune. One of them had an eagle on a par 5 which was fun; the other fellow was busy drinking Jack doubles with Coke.

Sunday was #2 and 18 holes of the Cradle. 24,000 steps. Lucian posted his best round on #2 at 83. I lipped out a birdie putt on the par 3 sixth hole -- if it had gone in I would have received a token for a "deuce on the deuce."

Monday was #7. We were tired and it is the hardest rated course at Pinehurst. Lots of elevated greens that require a full carry. The first nine holes beat us up so we headed home.

In between golf, there were wonderful breakfast buffets at the Carolina Hotel and delicious three-course meals at the Deuce, 1895 and the Carolina Dining Room. There was little time to enjoy all the other amenities of the resort -- a beautiful pool, rocking chairs on the porch of the hotel, the downtown area of the village of Pinehurst, and the croquet lawn. Our room in the Carolina Hotel was quite nice -- although hotter water might have helped our muscles recover faster.

Might it have been the start of a tradition?

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3 comentários

22 de jun. de 2022

and the theme song for the Fox boys great weekend in Pinehurst...

22 de jun. de 2022
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Part time party time man! Well done, Tom!


22 de jun. de 2022

Pinehurst, a tradition unlike any other.

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