Courtyard By Marriott
March 30, 2023
Tennessee Governor Lee says now is not the time to talk about solutions to the killings in Nashville. That seems to be a refrain I have heard for years. Are we not able to mourn and address solutions at the same time? If not, when is the right time?
Is my right to own a firearm worth the murder of anyone?
How many murders are prevented by firearms versus how many murders are made using firearms?
Lord knows I am all for increased mental health in our country and no doubt some mass murderers have mental health issues. Where is the beef when it comes to politicians saying we need to focus on mental health instead of assault weapons' bans?
If my child were murdered with a gun, would I think that something should be done about the availability of guns? (This question doesn't bother me as much because I know the answer.)
I apologize for using my blog as a place to ask these questions. With the highlights come some lowlights. I'm so tired of how we don't get along in our society. "I'm right, you're wrong" is the message beat into our heads from so many sources.
Our society is facing much dysfunction these days - from random and planned shootings, from looting and arson as a form of "peaceful" protest, from shouting down speakers at college campus, from governmental agencies subverting law and order, from unequal application of the law at the highest levels, from systemic educational system failures to teach rather than indoctrinate, from no bail policies and lack of prosecution, etc... much seems to stem from lack of personal accountability whether at the family level of societal level. to focus on one "cause" rather than to address the systemic problems will never result in a change.