Just West of Safford, Arizona
February 29, 2020
How 'bout those 'Hoos beating the Blue Devils last night? And on Senior Night. Couldn't find a place with the game on so I just waited until around 6 pm MST to check the score. Must admit I was surprised but that is probably the residual Stoic in me. 😃
I spent that time chasing good light out here. I headed a few miles west of Safford, hoping to get to the plains I had passed through the other day when it was cloudy. I couldn't get that far before the sun started to set so I "settled" for these photos that are in this slideshow.
As I sit here in the Safford McDonalds using their wifi, I face a dilemma about what song to use in the slideshow. Since I took the photos on Saturday, do I go with the Bay City Rollers "Saturday Night," Elton John's "Saturday Night Alright for Fighting," or Sam Cooke's "Another Saturday Night." And didn't Cat Stevens cover "Another Saturday Night?" You'll have to watch to find out. 😎